How Do You Live Without Blood Flow?

How Do You Live Without Blood Flow?

Potential is nothing. Performance is everything. What if I told you that you have potential blood flow that would be meaningless unless the blood actually flowed and give your body nutrients or else you...
Why Can't You Tell The Difference?

Why Can't You Tell The Difference?

The forest and the trees perspective will help benefit your life in many ways. The forest is related to seeing the big picture. The trees are related to examining its parts...
Why Read Before You Fish?

Why Read Before You Fish?

The most streamlined way to familiarize yourself with a subject is to read a book on it. When simply fishing people may argue it's simple on the surface just grab a...
Why is Consistency Vital to Success?

Why is Consistency Vital to Success?

The importance of consistency is vital to success. If you want to become a master at anything you must be consistent to be sharp. In order to keep your house clean you must...
How Long is your Follow-Through?

How Long is your Follow-Through?

Follow-Through or Fail. We learn in sports quickly in order to land an accurate punch, shot, or pass we must follow-through. Rather that's with a bowling ball, tennis ball or in...
Is waiting a Handicap?

Is waiting a Handicap?

We must have patience in the process rather than patience in waiting for an out come. When we plan to reach a goal patience should be an active process not something we passively sit...
May 08, 2023 — Helen Ayim