How To Take Care Of Your Lace Frontal Closure

The reason women prefer lace front wigs to other kinds of wigs is the fact that the hairline is not as visible as other frontal. Lace frontal closure are an expensive investment but worth it because you can reuse it as many times as you want and change colors as often as you like. To make them last a long time, it’s imperative to take care of them.

If you wear or have worn a lace frontal closure, then you know how they blend naturally beautiful with your appearance like no other. The Prodigyslay Collection is your go-to source for the best hair extensions because its guarantee to last long, soft, silky, thick and so much more. You’ve haven’t experience great quality hair till you’ve tried Prodigyslay Collection.

Now lets just get right to the juicy part on how you can take care of your lace frontal closure.


Your lace frontal closure is like your best friend and it requires special care and attention before you go to bed. The best way to protect your extension as you sleep is to wrap it a silk scarf and tie it loosely to secure it.

This will not only help prevent your lace from being damage, but it goes a long way in reducing friction at your hairline which can affect the natural appearance of your hair. Thinking 10 step ahead of others is the way to succeed in life and that’s what Prodigyslay does for you.

Prodigyslay provides you with the long run solution not a temper-rally solution that will have you spending more and more money. We want you to save as much as you can because we are all human and we have responsibilities. So invest in 1 frontal and use these tips with care for you so it last longer. You should also avoid going to bed with a wet weave, as this can lead to matted, musty-smelling hair.

Choosing The Right Hair Products

Use the Right Products. It’s like using a fork to eat soup…You wont get far. The products you use in your Hair extension plays a huge factor because in the end you want to look flawless. A lot of products sold the local beauty supply or drug store can be extremely high in alcohol content which can cause tangling by creating a high alkaline pH. Which is something you do not want.

I know growing up and taking care of your own natural hair, you have probably heard about sulfate-free hair products. I highly recommend avoiding sulfates when at all possible, for your hair extensions and for your natural hair as well because it’s too harsh for the delicate hair .

In fact, some can even strip the keratin coating on your hair, making it more susceptible to tangling. Sulfate-free shampoos and hydrating leave-in conditioners will tame frizz and make detangling so much easier, leaving you with flawless hair everyday!

Make Sure To Brush Carefully

While you should not comb your lace closure sew in or wig, you definitely want to be sure to brush it regularly to keep it looking flawless and nappy free. Before brushing depending on the texture of the hair i would recommend spraying the hair with water or applying some type of leave in conditioner to soften it up. When brushing, start close to the roots and brush all the way to the tips every day.

Be sure to be gentle around the frontal area, and always brush your hair prior to washing to reduce the number of tangles or hair loss. Don’t go crazy when a few strains come out because that’s natural just like combing your natural hair… Some will come out.

Since the quality virgin hair used in this kind of frontal is a high quality. Always ensure that you brush the hair as thoroughly as possible with a paddle brush before you make any attempt on washing it. Before shampooing, use some form of pre-conditioning treatment, which will reduce the amount of drying that takes place.

All Prodigyslay Human Hair collection can be dyed and bleached; however, we recommend that you either get a professional to dye it for you if you don’t know what your doing.

Try To Avoid Excessive Heat

Just like your own hair, lace frontal closures cannot tolerate excessive amounts of heat over and over and over. Keep heat styling to a minimum when possible, and avoid blow drying your hair a lot (The best way to dry it is to let it air dry).

Too much heat can leave you with a dull, brittle extension, and we encourage our customers to explore heat-free styling methods.

For example, if you prefer the curly hair, soft, bendy rollers can be used overnight for beautiful, damage-free coils and they look so much better than using the curly/flat iron.

Your lace front wigs come with many benefits that include the style and effortless elegance of its wear which is amazing before when you get up early in the morning you usually don’t have time to do your hair, makeup, and get dress. However, you must be sure to provide your lace front closure with the utmost care as an effective maintenance regimen is necessary to keep your unit in its best quality.

And Quality is in fact everything. Prodigyslay Provides nothing but the best quality. If its not top quality/standard we will not send it out and if your not please you can in fact return it back for a full return or an exchange.