Save your life with this Old Discovery.
When going about your day you must stay focused on the objective or goal at hand. Have a goal for your day, week, month, year and so on. When you...
Why Can't You Tell The Difference?
The forest and the trees perspective will help benefit your life in many ways. The forest is related to seeing the big picture. The trees are related to examining its parts...
Why Plan to Fail?
"Plans are nothing; planning is everything." -Dwight D. Eisenhower The actual plan itself is pennies compared to the thinking that goes behind the plan. When the plan is finished that doesn't mean it...
Why Read Before You Fish?
The most streamlined way to familiarize yourself with a subject is to read a book on it. When simply fishing people may argue it's simple on the surface just grab a...
Why is Consistency Vital to Success?
The importance of consistency is vital to success. If you want to become a master at anything you must be consistent to be sharp. In order to keep your house clean you must...
How Long is your Follow-Through?
Follow-Through or Fail. We learn in sports quickly in order to land an accurate punch, shot, or pass we must follow-through. Rather that's with a bowling ball, tennis ball or in...
Is waiting a Handicap?
We must have patience in the process rather than patience in waiting for an out come. When we plan to reach a goal patience should be an active process not something we passively sit...
It's Time to Be Consistent!
The importance of consistency is vital to success. If you want to become a master at anything you must be consistent to be sharp. In order to keep your house clean you must...
My pregnancy journey: How I went from wanting a natural birth to a c section
Before I met my spouse I knew I wanted a baby at the age of 26. I’m not sure how I was going to make a baby because at the time...
How To Take Care Of Your Lace Frontal Closure
How To Take Care Of Your Lace Frontal Closure The reason women prefer lace front wigs to other kinds of wigs is the fact that the hairline is not as...
Ultimate Guide: How to Style and Care for Your Short Body Wave Lace Front Wig
Understanding the Basics of Lace Front Wigs. Short body wave lace front wigs are a popular choice for those who desire a trendy and versatile hairstyle. With their natural-looking waves...
Virgin Hair Guide: TOP 4 HAIR TYPES
Virgin Hair Guide: TOP 4 HAIR TYPES Human hair extension comes in different type just like our natural hair comes in different texture. With the human hair coming in different...